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Items disapproved due to shipping terms in the product description

Google Shopping prohibits items with words like "free shipping" or "free ground shipping" anywhere in the product listing, including titles and descriptions. These items will be disapproved or disallowed by Google.

Google's content policy states, "Text relating to shopping or store policies should not be included in your feed."

To see all your disallowed items, click on the "Products" tab in your Google Merchant Center Dashboard. In the "Status" drop-down box, select "Inactive". Click an item title to see the product details.

  • The best way to resolve this is to remove the policy text from your product descriptions/captions, titles, and other fields. We recommend moving policy text to fields such as 'availability', 'headline', and 'promo-text'.

    If you decide to move the policy text to another field, then you may have to modify your RTML page template to display that text. You could also move the policy text to an image, a custom field, or another store field.

  • If there are not that many items, you can ignore the error or filter those items out with a product filter.
  • If you need a quicker solution, you can upgrade to a Custom feed and we can customize your data feed to remove the policy text. We may charge a small programming fee to set up the filtering rules specific to your store.

Restricted Items

Another common reason for disallowed items is keywords that indicate restricted items, such as human body parts and weapons. For more information, please see our article titled: Can you help if my feed was disapproved by Google?


Google Merchant Center Suspended Fixes

Updated: October 4, 2013