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How do I set up Amazon Product Ads?

This article is ARCHIVED.
The information in this article is likely to be out of date.

  1. Open a new browser window and log into Amazon Seller Central
  2. Click on Settings > Account Info on the top-right of your Amazon Seller Central Dashboard.
  3. Under the Selling Plan section at the top, verify that you are registered for Amazon Product Ads. If you do not see that listed, then you may need to log into a different Amazon account, or click here to sign up for Amazon Product Ads. Note: if you have an Amazon Marketplace Seller account already, then Amazon requires you to create a separate account for Amazon Product Ads.
  4. Follow the instructions at this link: Instructions for obtaining an MWS Merchant ID and Marketplace ID
  5. Go back to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  6. Go to Inventory > Add Products via Upload
  7. Verify that Yahoo! Store Sync is deactivated by following these steps:
    • In the Upload inventory files drop-down, select Sync Your Yahoo! Store.
    • If the Yahoo! Catalog.xml URL setting is blank and there is an Activate Sync button, then it is deactivated, and you can go to the next numbered step in these instructions.
    • Otherwise, if the URL is filled in and the setting is Active, then select Inactive and click Update.
  8. Go to My Account > Add Feed on our site
  9. Enter the store name, select the Amazon Product Ads Template, and click Create Feed
  10. Continue to the Modify Feed Settings page
  11. Enter the MWS Merchant ID and Marketplace ID on the Modify Feed Settings page as instructed on the page.
  12. Go to Manage Feed > Define Fields.
  13. Add a Public Catalog Field named Recommended Browse Node. Set the Default Value to an appropriate category number found on the Manage Feed > Taxonomy Search page.
  14. Run a Submission task from our site

You can find the status of recent data feed uploads in your Amazon Seller Account under the Inventory > Add Products via Upload tab. There will be a section called Inventory file upload status, from where you can download the reports and view them in notepad to see any errors.

If you need information about or assistance with Amazon Product Ads, please contact Amazon Seller Support (login required) for 24/7 support via email and click to call.