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Volusion Data Feed Setup Instructions

We support fully automated Volusion data feeds. In order to give our system access to your store, you will need to add a user to your Volusion administration area with permissions to export products. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. Log into your Volusion Administration Dashboard
  2. Go to Customers > Accounts
  3. Click the Add button
  4. Enter the E-mail Address as support email address or you can use any alternate email address.
  5. Enter an appropriate Password
  6. For the Access Key, select Administrator
  7. Click the Save button
  8. Click the Edit Cust#XXX Access Rules link
  9. Check the following checkboxes: Products and Export
  10. Click the Save button

Our system will log in as this user each time the data feed runs, to generate and download the product data export XML file.

When adding the feed on our site, you will need the domain of your store and the username/password of the Volusion admin user that you created.

(Note, do not use saved exports. The saved export files are incomplete.)


Volusion Product Data Feeds Setup Guide

Updated: July 28, 2022