FindMagentoInstallation(); // Include the Magento bootstrap file in global context require $BootstrapFileName; // Run the main function $exporter->RunMain(); } catch (\Exception $e) { AtenExporterForMagento::DisplayErrorPage($e->getMessage()); } // Class to hold all functionality for the exporter class AtenExporterForMagento { // Version of this script const VERSION = '2021-06-23'; // External configuration file path const CONFIG_FILE = 'aten_exporter_for_magento_config.php'; // Helper variables private $_tablePrefix; private $_storeId; private $_websiteId; private $_mediaBaseUrl; private $_webBaseUrl; private $_dbi; private $_objectManager; private $_STATUS_DISABLED_CONST; private $IncludeDisabled; private $ExcludeOutOfStock; private $DownloadAsAttachment; private $SinceEntityId; private $config; private $IsStagingModuleEnabled; private $StagingCurrentVersion; private $IsMagento2; private $CategoryIdToFullPath; private $CategoryIdToPath; // Find magento installation directory, version, and bootstrap file // Returns bootstrap file name public function FindMagentoInstallation() { // Determine magento root folder $MagentoRootFolder = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); if(file_exists($MagentoRootFolder.'/app') == false || is_dir($MagentoRootFolder.'/app') == false) { // Check parent folder if 'app' folder is not in the script's directory $MagentoRootFolder = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..'); if(file_exists($MagentoRootFolder.'/app') == false || is_dir($MagentoRootFolder.'/app') == false) { throw new Exception( "ERROR: Neither ./app nor ../app folders were found. ". "Be sure to install this script to the root folder of the website, e.g. pub, www, or public_html."); } } // Set working directory to magento root folder chdir($MagentoRootFolder); // Determine Magento version and bootstrap file name if(file_exists($MagentoRootFolder.'/app/Mage.php') == true) { $BootstrapFileName = $MagentoRootFolder.'/app/Mage.php'; $this->IsMagento2 = false; } elseif(file_exists($MagentoRootFolder.'/app/bootstrap.php') == true) { $BootstrapFileName = $MagentoRootFolder.'/app/bootstrap.php'; $this->IsMagento2 = true; } else { throw new Exception("ERROR: boostrap.php/Mage.php file not found in ./app or ../app folder"); } // Return bootstrap file name return $BootstrapFileName; } // Initialize PHP configuration and the Mage application private function _initializeObjects() { // Set PHP configuration options (see config file for defaults) ini_set('max_execution_time', $this->GetConfigValue('max_execution_time')); ini_set('display_errors', $this->GetConfigValue('display_errors')); ini_set('error_reporting', $this->GetConfigValue('error_reporting')); ini_set('memory_limit', $this->GetConfigValue('memory_limit')); // By default, make files written by the profile world-writable/readable // (required by Magento) umask($this->GetConfigValue('umask')); // Initialize Mage application and connect to database if($this->IsMagento2) { // Create bootstrap object $bootstrap = \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER); $this->_objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager(); $deploymentConfig = $this->_objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig'); $this->_tablePrefix = $deploymentConfig->get('db/table_prefix'); $this->_dbi = $this->_objectManager->create('\Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection')->getConnection(); } else { // Initialize the admin application Mage::app('admin'); // Get the table prefix $tableName = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('core_website'); $this->_tablePrefix = substr($tableName, 0, strpos($tableName, 'core_website')); // Get database connection to Magento (PDO MySQL object) $this->_dbi = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource') ->getConnection('core_read'); } // Set default fetch mode to NUM to save memory $this->_dbi->setFetchMode(ZEND_DB::FETCH_NUM); // Check if staging module is enabled $this->IsStagingModuleEnabled = $this->_tableExists("PFX_catalog_product_entity", array('row_id')); // By default, current version is the default version $this->StagingCurrentVersion = 1; // Get current staging version if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled == true) { $query = "SELECT flag_data FROM PFX_flag WHERE flag_code='staging'"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $StagingFlagData = $this->_dbi->fetchOne($query); if(is_string($StagingFlagData) == true && $StagingFlagData != '') { $StagingFlagData = json_decode($StagingFlagData); if(is_object($StagingFlagData) == true && isset($StagingFlagData->current_version) == true && intval($StagingFlagData->current_version) >= 1) { $this->StagingCurrentVersion = intval($StagingFlagData->current_version); } } } // Increase maximium length for group_concat (for additional image URLs field) $query = "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000;"; $this->_dbi->query($query); // Build category lookup table $this->_initializeCategoryIdToFullPath(); // For debugging //$this->_debugPrintQuery("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ORDER BY TABLE_NAME"); } // Run the main application and call the appropriate function // depending on the command. public function RunMain() { // Initialize configuration information $this->_initializeObjects(); // Get the command line parameters if running in CLI-mode if(self::IsCLI() == true) { if(isset($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] == 2) { // Get parameters from the command line // and add them to the REQUEST array parse_str($_SERVER['argv'][1], $_REQUEST); } } // Get parameters from the REQUEST array $Command = isset($_REQUEST['Command']) ? $_REQUEST['Command'] : ''; $this->_storeId = isset($_REQUEST['Store']) ? $_REQUEST['Store'] : ''; $Password = isset($_REQUEST['Password']) ? $_REQUEST['Password'] : ''; $this->ExcludeOutOfStock = (isset($_REQUEST['ExcludeOutOfStock']) && $_REQUEST['ExcludeOutOfStock'] == 'on') ? true : false; $this->IncludeDisabled = (isset($_REQUEST['IncludeDisabled']) && $_REQUEST['IncludeDisabled'] == 'on') ? true : false; $this->DownloadAsAttachment = (isset($_REQUEST['DownloadAsAttachment']) && ($_REQUEST['DownloadAsAttachment'] == 'on' || $_REQUEST['DownloadAsAttachment'] == '1')) ? true : false; $this->SinceEntityId = isset($_REQUEST['SinceEntityId']) ? intval($_REQUEST['SinceEntityId']) : 0; // If the command is export, then run the product export if($Command == 'Export') { // Check password $this->_checkPassword($Password); // Validate store and get information $this->_getStoreInformation(); // Run extraction $this->_runProductExport(); // End script return; } // If the command is export, then run the product categories if($Command == 'ExportCategories') { // Check password $this->_checkPassword($Password); // Validate store and get information $this->_getStoreInformation(); // Run extraction $this->_runCategoryExport(); // End script return; } // If the command is export table, then run the table export if($Command == 'ExportTable') { // Check password $this->_checkPassword($Password); // Validate store and get information $this->_getStoreInformation(); // Run extraction $this->_runTableExport(); // End script return; } // If the command is export table, then run the table export if($Command == 'DisplayForm') { // Check password $this->_checkPassword($Password); // Display user interface $this->DisplayForm(); // End script return; } // If the command is not specified display the password prompt if($Command == '') { $this->DisplayPasswordPrompt(); // End script return; } // Display an invalid command message throw new Exception("ERROR: Invalid Command specified."); } // Export data from a specific table private function _runTableExport() { // Get the table name $TableName = (isset($_REQUEST['TableName']) ? $_REQUEST['TableName'] : ''); // Set allowed table names $AllowedTableNames = $this->GetConfigValue('table_export_allowed_table_names'); // Validate table name if(in_array($TableName, $AllowedTableNames) == false) { throw new Exception('ERROR: Exporting the table \''.htmlentities($TableName).'\' is prohibited.'); } // Check if the table exists if($this->_tableExists("PFX_".$TableName) == false) { throw new Exception('ERROR: Can not export the table \''.htmlentities($TableName).'\' because it does not exist.'); } // Get all the column names to print the header row // NOTE: Used constant TABLE_SCHEMA and TABLE_NAME to avoid directory scans $query = " SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = :table_name ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION "; $ColumnNames = $this->_dbi->fetchCol($query, array('table_name' => $this->_applyTablePrefix("PFX_".$TableName))); if(empty($ColumnNames) == true) { throw new Exception('ERROR: Could not get columns from table \''.htmlentities($TableName).'\'.'); } // Start sending file if(self::IsCLI() == false) { // Set up a file name $FileName = sprintf('%s.csv', $TableName); $this->_startFileSend($FileName); } // Write header line $this->_writeCSVLine($ColumnNames); // Select all the data in the table $query = "SELECT * FROM PFX_".$TableName; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $result = $this->_dbi->query($query); while(true) { // Get next row $row = $result->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM); // Break if no more rows if(empty($row)) { break; } // Write the row $this->_writeCSVLine($row); } } // Return entity_type_id for the specified entity_type_code private function _getEntityTypeId($EntityTypeCode) { $query = " SELECT entity_type_id FROM PFX_eav_entity_type WHERE entity_type_code = :entity_type_code "; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); return $this->_dbi->fetchOne($query, array('entity_type_code' => $EntityTypeCode)); } // Return array of entity_id. // Also populates attributes codes and attribute options arrays. private function _getEntityRows($EntityName, &$attributeCodes, &$attributeOptions, &$AllAttributesQuery) { // Prepare list entity table names if($EntityName == 'product') { $CatalogEntityTableNamesWithPrefix = array( 'PFX_catalog_product_entity_datetime', 'PFX_catalog_product_entity_decimal', 'PFX_catalog_product_entity_int', 'PFX_catalog_product_entity_text', 'PFX_catalog_product_entity_varchar', ); $EntityTableName = 'PFX_catalog_product_entity'; } else if($EntityName == 'category') { $CatalogEntityTableNamesWithPrefix = array( 'PFX_catalog_category_entity_datetime', 'PFX_catalog_category_entity_decimal', 'PFX_catalog_category_entity_int', 'PFX_catalog_category_entity_text', 'PFX_catalog_category_entity_varchar', ); $EntityTableName = 'PFX_catalog_category_entity'; } else { throw new Exception("ERROR: Invalid EntityName"); } // Get the entity type for categories $ENTITY_TYPE_ID = $this->_getEntityTypeId('catalog_'.$EntityName); // Get attribute codes and types $query = " SELECT attribute_id, attribute_code, backend_type, backend_table, frontend_input FROM PFX_eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = :entity_type_id "; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $attributes = $this->_dbi->fetchAssoc($query, array('entity_type_id' => $ENTITY_TYPE_ID)); $attributeCodes = array(); foreach($attributes as $row) { switch($row['backend_type']) { case 'datetime': case 'decimal': case 'int': case 'text': case 'varchar': $attributeCodes[$row['attribute_id']] = $row['attribute_code']; break; case 'static': // ignore columns in entity table // print("Skipping static attribute: ".$row['attribute_code']."\n"); break; default: // print("Unsupported backend_type: ".$row['backend_type']."\n"); break; } // Add table name to list of value tables, if the table exists if(isset($row['backend_table']) && $row['backend_table'] != '') { // Check if table exists without prefix if($this->_tableExists($row['backend_table']) === true) { $CatalogEntityTableNamesWithPrefix[] = $row['backend_table']; } else { // If not found, check if table exists with prefix $BackendTableWithPrefix = $this->_applyTablePrefix("PFX_".$row['backend_table']); if($this->_tableExists($BackendTableWithPrefix) === true) { $CatalogEntityTableNamesWithPrefix[] = $BackendTableWithPrefix; } } } // If the type is multiple choice, cache the option values // in a lookup array for performance (avoids several joins/aggregations) if($row['frontend_input'] == 'select' || $row['frontend_input'] == 'multiselect') { // Get the option_id => value from the attribute options $query = " SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(aov.store_id) = 0 THEN MAX(aov.option_id) ELSE MAX(CASE WHEN aov.store_id = :storeid THEN aov.option_id ELSE NULL END) END AS 'option_id' ,CASE WHEN SUM(aov.store_id) = 0 THEN MAX(aov.value) ELSE MAX(CASE WHEN aov.store_id = :storeid THEN aov.value ELSE NULL END) END AS 'value' FROM PFX_eav_attribute_option AS ao INNER JOIN PFX_eav_attribute_option_value AS aov ON ao.option_id = aov.option_id WHERE aov.store_id IN (:storeid, 0) AND ao.attribute_id = :attribute_id GROUP BY aov.option_id "; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $result = $this->_dbi->fetchPairs($query, array("storeid" => $this->_storeId, "attribute_id" => $row['attribute_id'])); // If found, then save the lookup table in the attributeOptions array if(is_array($result)) { $attributeOptions[$row['attribute_id']] = $result; } else { // Otherwise, leave a blank array $attributeOptions[$row['attribute_id']] = array(); } $result = null; } } // Build queries for each attribute type: int, varchar, text, etc. $queries = array(); foreach($CatalogEntityTableNamesWithPrefix as $CatalogEntityTableNameWithPrefix) { // Get store value if there is one, otherwise, global value $AttributeTypeQuery = " SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(ev.store_id) = 0 THEN MAX(ev.value) ELSE MAX(CASE WHEN ev.store_id = ".$this->_storeId." THEN ev.value ELSE NULL END) END AS 'value' ,ev.attribute_id FROM $CatalogEntityTableNameWithPrefix AS ev WHERE ev.store_id IN (".$this->_storeId.", 0)"; // Magento 1.x has an entity_type_id column if($this->IsMagento2 == false) { $AttributeTypeQuery .= " AND ev.entity_type_id = ".$ENTITY_TYPE_ID." "; } if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled) { // If staging enabled, get current version $AttributeTypeQuery .= " AND ev.row_id = (SELECT MAX(e.row_id) FROM ".$EntityTableName." AS e WHERE e.entity_id = :entity_id AND e.created_in <= ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND e.updated_in > ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion.") "; $AttributeTypeQuery .= " GROUP BY ev.attribute_id, ev.row_id "; } else { $AttributeTypeQuery .= " AND ev.entity_id = :entity_id "; $AttributeTypeQuery .= " GROUP BY ev.attribute_id, ev.entity_id "; } $queries[] = $AttributeTypeQuery; } // Combine all queries using UNION ALL $AllAttributesQuery = implode(" UNION ALL ", $queries); // Apply table prefix to the query $AllAttributesQuery = $this->_applyTablePrefix($AllAttributesQuery); // Clean up white-space in the query $AllAttributesQuery = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', " ", $AllAttributesQuery)); // Get all entity_ids into an array if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled == true) { $query = " SELECT e.entity_id, MAX(e.row_id) AS row_id FROM ".$EntityTableName." AS e "; if($EntityName == 'product') { $query .= " INNER JOIN PFX_catalog_product_website as cpw ON cpw.product_id = e.entity_id "; } $query .= " WHERE 1 = 1 "; if($EntityName == 'product') { $query .= " AND cpw.website_id = :website_id AND IFNULL(e.sku, '') != '' "; } $query .= " AND e.entity_id > :since_entity_id AND e.created_in <= ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND e.updated_in > ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." GROUP BY e.entity_id ORDER BY e.entity_id LIMIT ".$this->GetConfigValue('records_per_request')." "; } else { $query = " SELECT e.entity_id, '' AS row_id FROM ".$EntityTableName." AS e "; if($EntityName == 'product') { $query .= " INNER JOIN PFX_catalog_product_website as cpw ON cpw.product_id = e.entity_id "; } $query .= " WHERE 1 = 1 "; if($EntityName == 'product') { $query .= " AND cpw.website_id = :website_id AND IFNULL(e.sku, '') != '' "; } $query .= " AND e.entity_id > :since_entity_id ORDER BY e.entity_id LIMIT ".$this->GetConfigValue('records_per_request')." "; } $parameters = array("since_entity_id" => $this->SinceEntityId); if($EntityName == 'product') { $parameters["website_id"] = $this->_websiteId; } $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $EntityRows = $this->_dbi->fetchAll($query, $parameters); return $EntityRows; } // Extract category data natively directly from the database private function _runCategoryExport() { // Start sending file if(self::IsCLI() == false) { // Set up a file name $FileName = sprintf('website_%d_store_%d_categories.csv', $this->_websiteId, $this->_storeId); $this->_startFileSend($FileName); } $attributeCodes = array(); $attributeOptions = array(); $AllAttributesQuery = ""; $EntityRows = $this->_getEntityRows('category', $attributeCodes, $attributeOptions, $AllAttributesQuery); // Build blank category record $blankCategory = array(); $blankCategory['entity_id'] = ''; $blankCategory['parent_id'] = ''; $blankCategory['path'] = ''; $blankCategory['position'] = ''; $blankCategory['level'] = ''; foreach($attributeCodes as $attribute_id => $attribute_code) { $blankCategory[$attribute_code] = ''; } $blankCategory['attribute_set_id'] = ''; $blankCategory['attribute_set_name'] = ''; $blankCategory['row_id'] = ''; $blankCategory['created_at'] = ''; $blankCategory['updated_at'] = ''; $entity_id = 0; $AllAttributesStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($AllAttributesQuery); $AllAttributesStmt->bindParam(':entity_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); // Loop through each entity and output the data $IsFirstRow = true; foreach($EntityRows as $EntityRow) { // Get the entity_id/row_id from the row $entity_id = $EntityRow[0]; $row_id = $EntityRow[1]; // Create a new record $category = $blankCategory; $category['entity_id'] = $entity_id; $category['row_id'] = $row_id; // Get the basic information about the categories $query = " SELECT cce.parent_id, cce.created_at, cce.updated_at, cce.attribute_set_id, cce.path, cce.position, cce.level, eas.attribute_set_name FROM PFX_catalog_category_entity AS cce LEFT OUTER JOIN PFX_eav_attribute_set AS eas ON cce.attribute_set_id = eas.attribute_set_id WHERE cce.entity_id = :entity_id "; if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled == true) { $query .= " AND cce.created_in <= ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND cce.updated_in > ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." "; } $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $entity = $this->_dbi->fetchRow($query, array("entity_id" => $entity_id)); if(empty($entity) == true) { continue; } // Initialize basic product data $category['parent_id'] = $entity[0]; $category['created_at'] = $entity[1]; $category['updated_at'] = $entity[2]; $category['attribute_set_id'] = $entity[3]; $category['path'] = $entity[4]; $category['position'] = $entity[5]; $category['level'] = $entity[6]; $category['attribute_set_name'] = $entity[7]; // Execute the master query with the entity ID $result = $AllAttributesStmt->execute(); // Loop through each field in the row and get the value while(true) { // Get next column // $column[0] = value // $column[1] = attribute_id $column = $AllAttributesStmt->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM); // Break if no more rows if(empty($column)) { break; } // Skip attributes that don't exist in eav_attribute if(!isset($attributeCodes[$column[1]])) { continue; } // Translate the option option_id to a value. if(isset($attributeOptions[$column[1]]) == true) { // Convert all option values $optionValues = explode(',', $column[0]); $convertedOptionValues = array(); foreach($optionValues as $optionValue) { if(isset($attributeOptions[$column[1]][$optionValue]) == true) { // If a option_id is found, translate it $convertedOptionValues[] = $attributeOptions[$column[1]][$optionValue]; } } // Erase values that are set to zero if($column[0] == '0') { $column[0] = ''; } elseif(empty($convertedOptionValues) == false) { // Use convert values if any conversions exist $column[0] = implode(',', $convertedOptionValues); } // Otherwise, leave value as-is } // Add to array $category[$attributeCodes[$column[1]]] = $column[0]; } $result = null; // Print header row on first row if($IsFirstRow == true) { $headerRow = array_keys($category); $this->_writeCSVLine($headerRow); $IsFirstRow = false; } // Print out the line in CSV format $this->_writeCSVLine($category); } } // Extract product data natively directly from the database private function _runProductExport() { // Start sending file if(self::IsCLI() == false) { // Set up a file name $FileName = sprintf('website_%d_store_%d_products.csv', $this->_websiteId, $this->_storeId); $this->_startFileSend($FileName); } // Look up media gallery attribute ID $query = "SELECT attribute_id FROM PFX_eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code='media_gallery'"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $MEDIA_GALLERY_ATTRIBUTE_ID = $this->_dbi->fetchOne($query); if(empty($MEDIA_GALLERY_ATTRIBUTE_ID) == true) { // Default it to 703 if not found $MEDIA_GALLERY_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 703; } $attributeCodes = array(); $attributeOptions = array(); $AllAttributesQuery = ""; $EntityRows = $this->_getEntityRows('product', $attributeCodes, $attributeOptions, $AllAttributesQuery); // Build blank product record $blankProduct = array(); $blankProduct['sku'] = ''; foreach($attributeCodes as $attribute_id => $attribute_code) { $blankProduct[$attribute_code] = ''; } $blankProduct['json_categories'] = ''; $blankProduct['json_category_paths'] = ''; $blankProduct['aten_product_url'] = ''; $blankProduct['aten_image_url'] = ''; $blankProduct['aten_additional_image_url'] = ''; $blankProduct['aten_additional_image_value_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['json_tier_pricing'] = ''; $blankProduct['qty'] = 0; $blankProduct['stock_status'] = ''; $blankProduct['aten_color_attribute_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['aten_regular_price'] = ''; $blankProduct['category_ids'] = ''; $blankProduct['parent_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['entity_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['row_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['type_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['has_options'] = ''; $blankProduct['required_options'] = ''; $blankProduct['attribute_set_id'] = ''; $blankProduct['attribute_set_name'] = ''; $blankProduct['created_at'] = ''; $blankProduct['updated_at'] = ''; // Prepare statement to get all attributes $entity_id = 0; $AllAttributesStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($AllAttributesQuery); $AllAttributesStmt->bindParam(':entity_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); // Prepare statement to get the basic product information $query = " SELECT cpe.sku, cpe.created_at, cpe.updated_at, cpe.attribute_set_id, cpe.type_id, cpe.has_options, cpe.required_options, eas.attribute_set_name, ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ccp.category_id ORDER BY ccp.position ASC SEPARATOR ',') FROM PFX_catalog_category_product AS ccp WHERE ccp.product_id = cpe.entity_id ) AS category_ids FROM PFX_catalog_product_entity AS cpe LEFT OUTER JOIN PFX_eav_attribute_set AS eas ON cpe.attribute_set_id = eas.attribute_set_id WHERE cpe.entity_id = :entity_id "; if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled == true) { $query .= " AND cpe.created_in <= ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND cpe.updated_in > ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." "; } $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $BasicProductInfoStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $BasicProductInfoStmt->bindParam(':entity_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); // Loop through each product and output the data $IsFirstRow = true; foreach($EntityRows as $EntityRow) { // Get the entity_id/row_id from the row $entity_id = $EntityRow[0]; $row_id = $EntityRow[1]; // Check if the item is out of stock and skip if needed if($this->ExcludeOutOfStock == true) { $query = " SELECT stock_status FROM PFX_cataloginventory_stock_status AS ciss WHERE ciss.website_id = :website_id AND ciss.product_id = :product_id "; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $stock_status = $this->_dbi->fetchOne($query, array("website_id" => $this->_websiteId, "product_id" => $entity_id)); // If stock status not found or equal to zero, skip the item if(empty($stock_status)) { continue; } } // Create a new product record $product = $blankProduct; $product['entity_id'] = $entity_id; $product['row_id'] = $row_id; // Get basic product information $BasicProductInfoStmt->execute(); $entity = $BasicProductInfoStmt->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM); if(empty($entity) == true) { continue; } // Set basic product data $product['sku'] = $entity[0]; $product['created_at'] = $entity[1]; $product['updated_at'] = $entity[2]; $product['attribute_set_id'] = $entity[3]; $product['type_id'] = $entity[4]; $product['has_options'] = $entity[5]; $product['required_options'] = $entity[6]; $product['attribute_set_name'] = $entity[7]; $product['category_ids'] = $entity[8]; // Calculate json_categories and json_category_paths $product['json_categories'] = array(); $product['json_category_paths'] = array(); $CategoryIds = explode(',', $product['category_ids']); foreach($CategoryIds as $categoryId) { if(isset($this->CategoryIdToFullPath[$categoryId]) == false) { continue; } $product['json_categories'][] = $this->CategoryIdToFullPath[$categoryId]; $product['json_category_paths'][] = $this->CategoryIdToPath[$categoryId]; } $product['json_categories'] = json_encode($product['json_categories']); $product['json_category_paths'] = json_encode($product['json_category_paths']); // Execute the master query with the entity ID $AllAttributesStmt->execute(); // Loop through each field in the row and get the value while(true) { // Get next column // $column[0] = value // $column[1] = attribute_id $column = $AllAttributesStmt->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM); // Break if no more rows if(empty($column)) { break; } // Skip attributes that don't exist in eav_attribute if(!isset($attributeCodes[$column[1]])) { continue; } // Save color attribute ID (for CJM automatic color swatches extension) // NOTE: do this prior to translating option_id to option_value below if($attributeCodes[$column[1]] == 'color') { $product['aten_color_attribute_id'] = $column[0]; } // Translate the option option_id to a value. if(isset($attributeOptions[$column[1]]) == true) { // Convert all option values $optionValues = explode(',', $column[0]); $convertedOptionValues = array(); foreach($optionValues as $optionValue) { if(isset($attributeOptions[$column[1]][$optionValue]) == true) { // If a option_id is found, translate it $convertedOptionValues[] = $attributeOptions[$column[1]][$optionValue]; } } // Erase values that are set to zero if($column[0] == '0') { $column[0] = ''; } elseif(empty($convertedOptionValues) == false) { // Use convert values if any conversions exist $column[0] = implode(',', $convertedOptionValues); } // Otherwise, leave value as-is } // Escape double-quotes and add to product array $product[$attributeCodes[$column[1]]] = $column[0]; } $result = null; // Skip product that are disabled or have no status // if the checkbox is not checked (this is the default setting) if($this->IncludeDisabled == false) { if(empty($product['status']) || $product['status'] == $this->_STATUS_DISABLED_CONST) { continue; } } // Get stock quantity // NOTE: stock_id = 1 is the 'Default' stock if(isset($StockStatusStmt) == false) { $query = " SELECT qty, stock_status FROM PFX_cataloginventory_stock_status WHERE product_id = :product_id AND website_id IN (0, :website_id) AND stock_id = 1 ORDER BY website_id DESC"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $StockStatusStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $StockStatusStmt->bindParam(':product_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $StockStatusStmt->bindParam(':website_id', $this->_websiteId, PDO::PARAM_INT); } $StockStatusStmt->execute(); $stockInfo = $StockStatusStmt->fetch(); if(empty($stockInfo) == true) { $product['qty'] = '0'; $product['stock_status'] = ''; } else { $product['qty'] = $stockInfo[0]; $product['stock_status'] = $stockInfo[1]; } $stockInfoResult = null; // Get additional image URLs $galleryImagePrefix = $this->_mediaBaseUrl.'catalog/product'; // Prepare the statement if(isset($MediaGalleryStmt) == false) { if($this->IsMagento2) { $query = " SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(mg.value_id SEPARATOR ',') AS value_id ,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(:gallery_image_prefix, mg.value) SEPARATOR ',') AS value FROM PFX_catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_to_entity AS mgvte INNER JOIN PFX_catalog_product_entity_media_gallery AS mg ON mgvte.value_id = mg.value_id INNER JOIN PFX_catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value AS mgv ON mg.value_id = mgv.value_id WHERE mgv.store_id IN (:store_id, 0) AND mgv.disabled = 0 AND ".($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled ? "mgvte.row_id = :row_id" : "mgvte.entity_id = :entity_id ")." AND mg.attribute_id = :media_gallery_attribute_id ORDER BY mgv.position ASC"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $MediaGalleryStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':gallery_image_prefix', $galleryImagePrefix, PDO::PARAM_STR); $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':store_id', $this->_storeId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':media_gallery_attribute_id', $MEDIA_GALLERY_ATTRIBUTE_ID, PDO::PARAM_INT); if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled) { $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':row_id', $row_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':entity_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } } else { $query = " SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(gallery.value_id SEPARATOR ',') AS value_id ,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(".$this->_dbi->quote($galleryImagePrefix).", gallery.value) SEPARATOR ',') AS value FROM PFX_catalog_product_entity_media_gallery AS gallery INNER JOIN PFX_catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value AS gallery_value ON gallery.value_id = gallery_value.value_id WHERE gallery_value.store_id IN (:store_id, 0) AND gallery_value.disabled = 0 AND gallery.entity_id = :entity_id AND gallery.attribute_id = :media_gallery_attribute_id ORDER BY gallery_value.position ASC"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $MediaGalleryStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':store_id', $this->_storeId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':entity_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $MediaGalleryStmt->bindParam(':media_gallery_attribute_id', $MEDIA_GALLERY_ATTRIBUTE_ID, PDO::PARAM_INT); } } $MediaGalleryStmt->execute(); $galleryValues = $MediaGalleryStmt->fetch(); if(empty($galleryValues) == false) { // Save value IDs for CJM automatic color swatches extension support $product['aten_additional_image_value_id'] = $galleryValues[0]; $product['aten_additional_image_url'] = $galleryValues[1]; } // Get parent ID if(isset($ParentIdStmt) == false) { if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled) { $query = " SELECT e.entity_id FROM PFX_catalog_product_entity AS e WHERE e.row_id IN ( SELECT super_link.parent_id FROM PFX_catalog_product_super_link AS super_link WHERE super_link.product_id = :product_id ) AND e.created_in <= ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND e.updated_in > ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." "; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $ParentIdStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $ParentIdStmt->bindParam(':product_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { $query = " SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(parent_id SEPARATOR ',') AS parent_id FROM PFX_catalog_product_super_link AS super_link WHERE super_link.product_id = :product_id"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $ParentIdStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $ParentIdStmt->bindParam(':product_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } } $ParentIdStmt->execute(); // Fetch the first row $parentId = $ParentIdStmt->fetch(); if(empty($parentId) == false) { // The first column in the first row contains the parent_id $product['parent_id'] = $parentId[0]; } // Get the regular price (before any catalog price rule is applied) $product['aten_regular_price'] = $product['price']; // Override price with catalog price rule, if found if(isset($CatalogPriceRuleStmt) == false) { $query = " SELECT crpp.rule_price FROM PFX_catalogrule_product_price AS crpp WHERE crpp.rule_date = CURDATE() AND crpp.product_id = :product_id AND crpp.customer_group_id = 1 AND crpp.website_id = :website_id"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $CatalogPriceRuleStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $CatalogPriceRuleStmt->bindParam(':product_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $CatalogPriceRuleStmt->bindParam(':website_id', $this->_websiteId, PDO::PARAM_INT); } $CatalogPriceRuleStmt->execute(); $rule_price = $CatalogPriceRuleStmt->fetch(); if(empty($rule_price) == false) { // Override price with catalog rule price $product['price'] = $rule_price[0]; } // Calculate product URL if(empty($product['url_path']) == false) { $product['aten_product_url'] = $this->_urlPathJoin($this->_webBaseUrl, $product['url_path']); } else if(empty($product['url_key']) == false) { $product['aten_product_url'] = $this->_urlPathJoin($this->_webBaseUrl, $product['url_key'].'.html'); } // Calculate image URL if(empty($product['image']) == false) { $product['aten_image_url'] = $this->_urlPathJoin($this->_mediaBaseUrl, 'catalog/product'); $product['aten_image_url'] = $this->_urlPathJoin($product['aten_image_url'], $product['image']); } // Get tier pricing information if(isset($TierPricingStmt) == false) { $query = " SELECT tp.qty, tp.value FROM PFX_catalog_product_entity_tier_price AS tp WHERE ".($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled ? "tp.row_id = :row_id" : "tp.entity_id = :entity_id")." AND tp.website_id IN (0, :website_id) AND tp.all_groups = 1 AND tp.customer_group_id = 0 "; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $TierPricingStmt = $this->_dbi->prepare($query); $TierPricingStmt->bindParam(':website_id', $this->_websiteId, PDO::PARAM_INT); if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled) { $TierPricingStmt->bindParam(':row_id', $row_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { $TierPricingStmt->bindParam(':entity_id', $entity_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } } $TierPricingStmt->execute(); $tierPricingTable = $TierPricingStmt->fetchAll(); // Save entire table in JSON format $product['json_tier_pricing'] = json_encode($tierPricingTable); // Print header row on first row if($IsFirstRow == true) { $headerRow = array_keys($product); $this->_writeCSVLine($headerRow); $IsFirstRow = false; } // Print out the line in CSV format $this->_writeCSVLine($product); } } // Write line as CSV, quoting fields if needed private function _writeCSVLine(&$row) { // Escape double-quotes in every value foreach($row as $k => $v) { // Skip if length zero if(strlen($v) == 0) { continue; } // Skip if no double quotes if(strpos($v, '"') === false) { continue; } $row[$k] = str_replace('"', '""', $v); } // Use only one print call for improved performance print '"'.implode('","', $row)."\"\n"; } // Join two URL paths and handle forward slashes private function _urlPathJoin($part1, $part2) { return rtrim($part1, '/').'/'.ltrim($part2, '/'); } // Get lookup table for the full paths of the categories private function _initializeCategoryIdToFullPath() { if($this->IsStagingModuleEnabled == false) { $query = " SELECT cce.entity_id, cce.path, ( SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(ccev.store_id) = 0 THEN MAX(ccev.`value`) WHEN ccev.store_id = :store_id THEN ccev.`value` ELSE NULL END AS 'value' FROM PFX_catalog_category_entity_varchar AS ccev WHERE ccev.entity_id = cce.entity_id AND ccev.attribute_id = ( SELECT MAX(ea.attribute_id) FROM PFX_eav_attribute AS ea WHERE ea.attribute_code='name' AND ea.backend_type='varchar' AND ea.entity_type_id = ( SELECT MAX(eet.entity_type_id) FROM PFX_eav_entity_type AS eet WHERE eet.entity_type_code = 'catalog_category' ) ) ) AS 'name' FROM PFX_catalog_category_entity AS cce WHERE cce.parent_id > 0 "; } else { $query = " SELECT cce.entity_id, cce.path, ( SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(ccev.store_id) = 0 THEN MAX(ccev.`value`) WHEN ccev.store_id = :store_id THEN ccev.`value` ELSE NULL END AS 'value' FROM PFX_catalog_category_entity_varchar AS ccev WHERE ccev.row_id = cce.row_id AND ccev.store_id IN (0, :store_id) AND ccev.attribute_id = ( SELECT MAX(ea.attribute_id) FROM PFX_eav_attribute AS ea WHERE ea.attribute_code='name' AND ea.backend_type='varchar' AND ea.entity_type_id = ( SELECT MAX(eet.entity_type_id) FROM PFX_eav_entity_type AS eet WHERE eet.entity_type_code = 'catalog_category' ) ) ) AS 'name' FROM PFX_catalog_category_entity AS cce WHERE cce.created_in <= ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND cce.updated_in > ".$this->StagingCurrentVersion." AND cce.parent_id > 0 "; } $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $AllCategories = $this->_dbi->fetchAll($query, array('store_id' => $this->_storeId)); // Build a lookup table $EntityIdToCategoryName = array(); foreach($AllCategories as $k => $row) { $EntityIdToCategoryName[$row[0]] = $row[2]; } // Translate the paths $this->CategoryIdToFullPath = array(); $this->CategoryIdToPath = array(); foreach($AllCategories as $k => $row) { $PathIds = explode('/', $row[1]); $PathNames = array(); foreach($PathIds as $PathId) { if(isset($EntityIdToCategoryName[$PathId]) == false || $EntityIdToCategoryName[$PathId] == '') { continue; } $PathNames[] = $EntityIdToCategoryName[$PathId]; } $this->CategoryIdToFullPath[$row[0]] = implode(' > ', $PathNames); $this->CategoryIdToPath[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } // Send a output to the client browser as an inline attachment // Features: low-memory footprint, gzip compressed if supported private function _startFileSend($FileName) { // Supply last-modified date $gmdate_mod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()).' GMT'; header("Last-Modified: $gmdate_mod"); // Supply content headers header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); $ContentDisposition = ($this->DownloadAsAttachment ? 'attachment' : 'inline'); header('Content-Disposition: '.$ContentDisposition.'; filename="'.$FileName.'"'); // NOTE: Do not supply content-length header, because the file // may be sent gzip-compressed in which case the length would be wrong. // Add custom headers header("X-AtenSoftware-ShoppingCart: Magento ".$this->GetMagentoVersion()); header("X-AtenSoftware-Version: ".self::VERSION); // Turn on zlib output compression with buffer size of 8kb ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 8192); } // Return Magento product version private function GetMagentoVersion() { if($this->IsMagento2) { $productMetadata = $this->_objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadataInterface'); return $productMetadata->getVersion(); } else { return Mage::getVersion(); } } // Display the user interface for the exporter, as a web page private function DisplayPasswordPrompt() { AtenExporterForMagento::WritePageHeader(); ?>

Log In

Password = (isset($_REQUEST['Password']) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST['Password']) : ''); $model->Websites = array(); // List all active website-stores if($this->IsMagento2) { $WebSiteTableName = "store_website"; $StoreTableName = "store"; } else { $WebSiteTableName = "core_website"; $StoreTableName = "core_store"; } $query = "SELECT w.website_id , as website_name ,w.is_default ,s.store_id , as store_name FROM PFX_$WebSiteTableName AS w INNER JOIN PFX_$StoreTableName AS s ON s.website_id = w.website_id WHERE s.is_active = 1 AND w.website_id > 0 ORDER BY w.sort_order,, s.sort_order,"; $query = $this->_applyTablePrefix($query); $result = $this->_dbi->query($query); $isChecked = false; while(true) { // Get next row $row = $result->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC); // Break if no more rows if(empty($row)) { break; } $Website = new StdClass(); $Website->store_id = htmlentities($row['store_id']); $Website->website_id = htmlentities($row['website_id']); $Website->website_name = htmlentities($row['website_name']); $Website->store_name = htmlentities($row['store_name']); $Website->CheckedProperty = ''; // Set first website checked if($isChecked == false) { $Website->CheckedProperty = ' checked="checked" '; $isChecked = false; } $model->Websites[] = $Website; } $result = null; AtenExporterForMagento::WritePageHeader(); ?>
Select a store Websites as $Website): ?>
Select Website ID Website Store ID Store
CheckedProperty ?> title="store_name ?>" onclick="setURLs(true);"> website_id ?> website_name ?> store_id ?> store_name ?>
Select product export options
Run product CSV export
Run category CSV export
_storeId == '') { throw new Exception( 'ERROR: Store parameter must be specified in the query string.'); } // Check format of the ID if(0 == preg_match('|^\d+$|', $this->_storeId)) { throw new Exception( 'ERROR: The specified Store is not formatted correctly: '.$this->_storeId); } try { if($this->IsMagento2) { $storeManager = $this->_objectManager->get('\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface'); $store = $storeManager->getStore($this->_storeId); // Load the store information $this->_websiteId = $store->getWebsiteId(); $this->_webBaseUrl = $store->getBaseUrl(Magento\Framework\UrlInterface::URL_TYPE_WEB); $this->_mediaBaseUrl = $store->getBaseUrl(Magento\Framework\UrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA); $this->_STATUS_DISABLED_CONST = Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Source\Status::STATUS_DISABLED; } else { // Get the store object $store = Mage::app()->getStore($this->_storeId); // Load the store information $this->_websiteId = $store->getWebsiteId(); $this->_webBaseUrl = $store->getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); $this->_mediaBaseUrl = $store->getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA); $this->_STATUS_DISABLED_CONST = Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Status::STATUS_DISABLED; } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception( 'ERROR: Error getting store information for Store='.$this->_storeId. ". The store probably does not exist. ".get_class($e)." ".$e->getMessage()); } } // Die if password is invalid private function _checkPassword($Password) { // Check if a password is defined if($this->GetConfigValue('password_sha256') == '') { throw new Exception('ERROR: A blank password is not allowed.'. ' Please set a password in the configuration file.'); } // Check the password using timing attack safe string comparison $known_string = $this->GetConfigValue('password_sha256'); $user_string = hash('sha256', $Password); if((function_exists("hash_equals") && hash_equals($known_string, $user_string) === false) || strcmp($known_string, $user_string) != 0) { throw new Exception('ERROR: The specified password is invalid.'); } } /** Return configuration value * @throws Exception * @return string */ function GetConfigValue($key) { // Initialize the configuration if(is_array($this->config) == false) { // Load configuration file, if it exists $ConfigFileName = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.self::CONFIG_FILE; if(file_exists($ConfigFileName) === true) { include_once($ConfigFileName); // Use the configuration from the config file, if it exists if(isset($configuration) && is_array($configuration)) { $this->config = $configuration; } } else { throw new Exception('ERROR: A configuration file named '. self::CONFIG_FILE.' must be in the same path as this script.'); } } // Return configuration value, or default value switch($key) { case "umask": $value = (isset($this->config['umask']) ? $this->config['umask'] : 0); if(is_int($value) == false || $value < 0) { throw new Exception("umask must be an integer >= 0"); } break; case 'records_per_request': $value = (isset($this->config['records_per_request']) ? $this->config['records_per_request'] : 2147483647); if(is_int($value) == false || $value <= 0) { throw new Exception("records_per_request must be an integer > 0"); } break; case "password_sha256": $value = (isset($this->config['password_sha256']) ? $this->config['password_sha256'] : ''); break; case "max_execution_time": case "display_errors": case "error_reporting": case "memory_limit": $value = (isset($this->config[$key]) ? $this->config[$key] : ini_get($key)); break; case 'table_export_allowed_table_names': $value = (isset($this->config[$key]) ? $this->config[$key] : array('')); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid configuration key: " . $key); } return $value; } // Display an error as an HTML page or to the console public static function DisplayErrorPage($ErrorMessage) { if(self::IsCLI() == true) { print $ErrorMessage; } else { AtenExporterForMagento::WritePageHeader(); $model = new StdClass(); $model->ErrorMessage = htmlentities($ErrorMessage); ?>
ErrorMessage; ?>
Aten Software Product Data Exporter for Magento

Aten Software Product Data Exporter for Magento

Use this exporter with Aten Software's Google Shopping Data Feed Service for Magento 2
_applyTablePrefix($TableName); // Check if table exists in the current schema // NOTE: Used constant TABLE_SCHEMA and TABLE_NAME to avoid directory scans $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = :table_name"; // Optionally check for columns $MinimumColumnCount = 1; if(isset($ColumnNames) && is_array($ColumnNames) && empty($ColumnNames) == false) { $query .= " AND COLUMN_NAME IN ('".implode("','", $ColumnNames)."')"; $MinimumColumnCount = count($ColumnNames); } // Get the number of matching columns $CountColumns = $this->_dbi->fetchOne($query, array('table_name' => $TableName)); // Return result return ($CountColumns >= $MinimumColumnCount); } // Apply prefix to table names in the query private function _applyTablePrefix($query) { return str_replace('PFX_', $this->_tablePrefix, $query); } // Print the results of a select query to output for debugging purposes and exit private function _debugPrintQuery($query, $params = null) { print '
'; if(is_null($params) == false) { print '
'.htmlentities(print_r($params, true)).'
'; } print '
'; print '
		print htmlentities(print_r($this->_dbi->fetchAll($query, $params), true));
		print '
'; exit(); } // Debug print a message to STDERR // Prints execution time since last statement for profiling purposes private function pr($message) { static $start = 0; // Automatically print any non-string values if(is_string($message) === false) { $message = print_r($message, true)."\n"; } // Initialize start time, if needed. if($start == 0) { $start = microtime(true); } // Get end time $end = microtime(true); // Get time elapsed $elapsed = ($end - $start) * 1000; // Remember end time for next call $start = $end; $MessageFormat = '[%06.5f]'; // Add elapsed time to the message $message = sprintf($MessageFormat, $elapsed).$message; fprintf(STDERR, $message); } }