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Google Taxonomy Update

Jan 25, 2013

Google made major revisions to their US product taxonomy last night. Many google product categories were deleted, and new ones added.

Our system flagged the items with deleted categories as errors this morning. If your feed is configured to filter items with errors, then those listings were not submitted this morning. However, because Google still accepts the deleted categories without error or warning, we modified our system to flag those items with warnings instead of errors.

Therefore, all your listings will be resubmitted by tomorrow morning. Feel free to log into your account and run a Submission task if you want to resubmit the listings immediately.

Going forward, we recommend you update your categories to the new taxonomy for best results.

You can view the Google Taxonomy deleted categories, or see a complete list of changes to the Google Taxonomy online.

To see if you have any old categories that need to be updated, go to Manage Feed > Google Validation Report in your account, and look for the 'outdated google_product_category' warning.

If you are subscribed to our new categorization service, we will update your categories automatically.

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