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Do you support Amazon Marketplace Seller Central data feeds?

We support Amazon Marketplace Price & Inventory Feeds and Inventory Loader feeds. Read on for more information about how to use these feeds.

Overview of Amazon Marketplace

The Sell on Amazon program allows you to sell your items directly on Amazon's main website. Your company will be listed as a third-party seller on product pages. Shoppers checkout on Amazon's site, and you pay Amazon a commission on the sale.

List Products Already on

Price & Inventory and Inventory Loader feeds are exclusively for listing products that already exist on Amazon.

As such, this feed does not require any product details, only the quantity in stock, product identifier (UPC), and your selling price.

To get started, please read our article, Amazon Inventory Loader and Price and Quantity Update Feeds, or contact us for a quote.

List Products not yet on

Category-specific, Inventory Template Feeds are used to add items to that do not already exist there.

Each top-level product category on Amazon has different data feed requirements, which are spelled out in their Inventory templates for product categories.

You can use the Amazon Product Classifier to determine the appropriate Inventory template for your products.

Amazon has strict requirements for adding new items. You will likely need to do item-by-item content work on your product catalog. At a bare minimum, Amazon requires that you specify a UPC code, product type, and item type for each item. Additional requirements vary by category. Unfortunately, we do not offer content-editing services to add your products to Amazon Marketplace.

If you already have a working and tested spreadsheet that you upload to Amazon, we can program your rules into our system and set the feed up to run automatically. Please contact us for a quote.


Amazon Data Feed

Updated: August 5, 2019