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HeidiSQL Setup and Usage Instructions for Custom Feeds

If you have been provided with a MySQL database for your data feeds, please use the instructions below to get started.

First, download and install the freeware HeidiSQL software from the HeidiSQL Downloads page. Select the latest HeidiSQL Installer.

In order to set up your database connection, follow these steps.

  1. Run HeidiSQL
  2. Click the New button in the Session Manager.
  3. Enter the following on the Settings tab of the New Connection Dialog:
    • Session name:
    • Network type: MySQL (TCP/IP)
    • Hostname:
    • User: provided by us
    • Password: provided by us
    • Port: 3306
    • Check the Compressed client/server protocol box.
    • Leave all other settings at defaults.
  4. Click Open to connect to the database.


Tables whose names start with edit_ are tables where you can enter information for your feed.

The fields that start with an underscore are system fields that should not be edited, and may be updated automatically.

You can edit data in any of the fields that do not start with an underscore.

Data in the edit_ tables is generally refreshed and/or incorporated into your feed each time your data feed is refreshed or submitted from our site.

Please contact us for the specifics of your setup.


Click the Data tab after selecting a table to see a spreadsheet-like view of the data. There are several buttons in the upper-right corner of the data area that will make your life much easier.

By default, only the first 1,000 records are displayed. Use the Next and Show all buttons to display more records.

Click the Columns button to show/hide columns. This is especially handy if there are many columns and you need to focus on just a few.

You can click the column headings to sort by a column. Click the Sorting button to fine-tune the sort order.

Click the Filter button to filter the data. Here are some common SQL expressions you can use - remember to use the field names specific to your table.

_code = 'abc123'
Find a record with a specific code.
_title LIKE 'abc%'
Find records with title's that start with abc.
_description LIKE '%free%'
Find records where the description contains the text free.
_price < 20
Find records where price is less then 20.

For more information on the features of HeidiSQL, check out the HeidiSQL screen shots.