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Why is my item or product missing from Google Shopping?

In order to determine why items or products are not showing up in Google Shopping search results, please follow the instructions here. This will help you find out why the product listing is filtered, declined, disapproved, inactive, missing, under review, pending, disabled, hidden, etc.

Check Filtering Status

  1. Go to My Account
  2. Click Manage Feed for your Google feed
  3. Click Search by Keyword
  4. Type in the item ID/SKU or title. You can enter partial IDs and titles.
  5. If the item does not appear in the results box, please contact us.
  6. Click on the item in the results box to go to the Product Details page.
  7. If the product details have a strike-through effect, then the item is filtered out. Look at the top of the page to see matching filters.
  8. For example, a common filter is item_errors != ''.
  9. Look down in the product details for the item_errors or other field, to see the contents of the field. The item_errors field will contain all the errors that apply to the item.
  10. If the item has item_errors, go to Manage Feed > Google Validation Report to see a summary of the errors, with Help links explaining how to correct the errors.

Check Google Merchant Account

  1. If the item is not filtered out, then log into your Google Merchant Account
  2. Click on the Products tab
  3. Type in the full item ID in the search box, and click Lookup
  4. If the item does not appear, please contact us.
  5. If the item has a green check mark, then it is actively searchable in Google Shopping. If it has a yellow icon, it is not searchable and is under review. If it has a red icon, it is disapproved.
  6. If the item is disapproved, click the item title to view the item details. A message indicating why the item is disapproved will be visible.
  7. If the message is vague or generic, you must contact Google using their disapproved items contact form
  8. If the item has a yellow icon, wait a day or two for the review to be completed. If the yellow icon stays longer than that, please contact Google.
  9. If the item has a green icon, it is searchable in Google.

Check Google Search

  1. Search for the full, exact item title in Google Search, and you should see the item.
  2. If you are searching by other keywords, check if the exact search terms you are searching for appear in the product details, especially the first 70 characters of the title, and the first 140 characters of the description.
  3. If the search keywords do not appear in the product details, then Google's ranking algorithm has little reason to display your listing. Try adding the keywords to your title/description.
  4. If the search keywords do appear in the product details, then Google's ranking algorithm has decided not list your item for unknown reasons. You will have to try changing various product details until the item starts appearing again.


Google Shopping

Updated: September 18, 2018