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Standard versus Custom Data Feeds


We support two types of data feeds, Standard and Custom. Standard feeds allow some customization, while Custom feeds are fully customizable. Most customers will find the Standard feeds more than capable for their needs. The Standard feeds require minimal configuration and technical knowledge.

If you have special requirements, or need advanced optimization of your feed, then you may need an Custom feed. Note that fees for Custom feeds are higher due to their extra maintenance and support requirements. Please contact us regarding your requirements or read on for more technical information.

Feed Templates

When you add a new feed, not only do you select the type, but you also select a template optimized for a particular CSE. We have pre-defined templates for many comparison shopping engines (CSEs). You can also make a copy of one of your existing data feeds. The only limitation is that you can not create a Standard feed based on an Custom feed.

Field Types

Each data feed is defined by one or more ‘fields’. You can think of a field as a column in a spreadsheet. The field definition includes the name of the column header, the type of data in the column, and any parameters required for generating the data.

There are three types of supported fields, public, template, and custom. Public fields are available to all feed types. Template fields can not be changed in Standard feeds, but can be in Custom feeds. Custom fields are only available to Custom feeds, and are programmed and added upon request.

Standard Feeds

Standard feeds have the following features and limitations:
  • You can edit the parameters, but not names, of template fields.
  • You can only add public fields.
  • You can edit the names and parameters of public fields.
  • You can not change the order of any field.
  • You can only delete public fields.
  • Custom fields are not available.

Custom Feeds

Custom feeds support full customization, as follows:
  • You can edit the name and parameters of any field.
  • You can change the order of any field.
  • You can delete any field.
  • You can have custom fields programmed and added for you.
  • You can load a pre-defined template or user-defined feed.