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How to give us access to upload your Amazon feed via Amazon MWS

This article is ARCHIVED.
The information in this article is likely to be out of date.

We can submit your Amazon Seller Central feeds automatically via Amazon Merchant Web Services. Follow the instructions below to give our system permission to access your Amazon Marketplace Seller or Product Ads account for the purposes of uploading the feed files.

United States (US)

United Kingdom (UK)

  1. Go to the Amazon MWS Sign-Up link above and register for an account or sign in. You must have a valid Seller account in order to be able to register or sign in.
  2. On the registration page, click the button for:
    I want to give a developer access to my Amazon seller account with MWS
  3. Enter the Developer Name from the above table
  4. Enter the Developer Account Number from the above table
  5. Click Next and then accept the terms and conditions
  6. Enter the Marketplace ID, Seller ID, and MWS Authorization Token into the Manage Feed > Modify Feed Settings page, or send them to us by email or via our contact form.
  7. You should also make note of the identifiers for your own reference.

Reference: I am an Amazon seller and I want to give a third-party developer MWS access to my Amazon seller account. What should I do?