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Daily update frequency is recommended for all data feeds

The recommended feed update/submission frequency is Daily for all feeds. Submissions and updates are free, so there is no additional cost to make this change.

If available for your store platform, then the free, Daily Plus option is recommended.

Auto-skip is a legacy setting and can be Disabled for all feeds.

Google's high-quality data requirements ask that you provide up-to-date pricing and availability information in order to provide the best experience for shoppers and improve your ranking. This is recommended even if your listings do not change often.

Many other shopping engines also encourage frequent submissions to keep your listings fresh. For example, eBay Commerce Network ( also has the capability to accept frequent data feed submissions. Therefore, to get the best results from all shopping engines, we recommend Daily submission of your feed.

To change the setting, go to My Account. Then, go to the Manage Feed > Modify Settings page. Set the Update Frequency, the Auto-Skip setting to Disabled, and then save the settings.

Please contact us if you require custom scheduling or more frequent submissions.