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Testimonial for Aten Software's Product Data Feed Management by - Dec 14, 2023
In this blog post, we share a review from Couture Candy, one of the most trustworthy online retailers specializing in special occasion dresses. We are grateful that Couture Candy has used our feed service for over eight years, and provided this review voluntarily without exchange... Read More
Automated Feed Website Crawl vs File Upload in Google Merchant Center - Oct 2, 2023
In this blog post, we compare Google's Automated Feeds to File Uploads for submitting product data feeds to Google Merchant Center. Advantages of Google's Automated Feeds Wondering if the new, free Automated Feed feature by Google is worthwhile? Let's dig in to... Read More
Setting up Google Ads Bids by Product Price in Shopping Campaigns - Aug 25, 2023
The Problem of a Single Bid for All your Products When you first start with Google Ads, it is quick and easy (and therefore very tempting) to set a single bid for all your products, but is it smart? Think about the questions below to see if it is a good idea or not for your... Read More

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