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How to I remap my feed in eBay Commerce Network?

This article is ARCHIVED.
The information in this article is likely to be out of date.

After adding or removing fields in you eBay Commerce Network ( data feed, you must remap the columns in your eBay Commerce Network Merchant Account in order for them to recognize the changes. This is very simple to do. Just follow the step-by-step instructions below.

  1. Log into our system and resubmit your feed.
  2. Log into your - eBay Commerce Network Merchant Account
  3. Click on the Products tab
  4. Click on the Submit Datafeed sub-tab
  5. Click on the Almost there! Map datafeed columns button at the bottom of the page
  6. On the field mapping page, scroll down to the Format field and select Custom from the drop-down box.
  7. All other fields should be pre-configured, so just click the Continue button on the bottom of the page
  8. You should see a message saying Your changes have been saved. This completes the procedure.

Reference: - ECN Merchant Help Center.


eBay Commerce Network Data Feed

Updated: February 29, 2020