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ShareASale Data Feed

How do I set up a ShareASale data feed?
  1. From My Account > Add Feed, create a ShareASale feed for your store and configure the settings. Leave the FTP Username, Password, and Server at their default values for now.
  2. From Manage > Define Fields, edit the Merchant ID field and enter your ShareASale Merchant ID in the Value box. You can obtain your Merchant ID by logging into your ShareASale account and looking in the header of the page.
  3. From Manage > Define Fields, edit the Category and Sub-category fields (not Merchant Category). Look up the appropriate number from the ShareASale data feed file format specification, and enter it in the Default Value box. You must supply both the category number and sub-category number.
    For example:
    Category: DefaultValue = 6, CatalogField = blank
    Subcategory: DefaultValue = 47, CatalogField = blank
  4. If you have multiple categories of products, add a custom field to your store catalog and populate it with the category numbers. Enter the name of this custom field in the Catalog Field box.
How do I set up my ShareASale merchant account?
  1. Once you have configured your data feed in our system, generate the data feed file from the Manage > Download Data Feed File page.
  2. Download the file and add it to a zip file, e.g.
    OS-X: Right-click the file and select Compress “sharesale.txt”
    Windows: Right-click the file and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder
  3. Log into your Shareasale Merchant Account
  4. Go to Creatives > Datafeed and click the Upload New Datafeed button. (You only have to do this manually the first time.)
  5. Click Browse..., select on your computer, and click the Upload Datafeed button.
  6. Start an email to ShareASale by clicking Help, Submit a Ticket, and then Next.
  7. Enter the following subject:
    FTP credentials request
  8. Enter the following message:
    I have uploaded my first data feed file for your review. I would like to receive instructions on uploading the file via FTP upload. The server from which the file will be uploaded has an IP address of Please CC your response to
  9. You will receive an email with an FTP Username and Password. Enter those on the "Manage > Modify Settings" page, and set Submission Frequency to Daily.
  10. Run a Submission to test that the settings are working correctly.

Multiple Stores

If you have multiple stores in your ShareASale merchant account, please contact us so we can add the StoreID field to your feeds. Also, you can contact ShareASale to increase your feed upload limit to 31 uploads/month per store.

Turn off SFTP

This is very uncommon, but if ShareASale has enabled SFTP for your ShareASale account, please email them and ask them to disable it. We upload the feeds by FTP. If SFTP is enabled, then you will see this error when the feed is submitted:

Error logging in to FTP server ''. Check your credentials. ftp_login(): SSL Strength insufficient.
How to grant us access to your Share-a-Sale Account to Manage Listings
  1. Log in to your Share-a-Sale Merchant Account
  2. Navigate to My Account > Account Details
  3. Click the Logins icon under the Manage Features heading.
  4. In the Manage Logins window that appears, select Add New Login
  5. Fill in the form as follows:
    (Tip: Use Copy to clipboard buttons so you can quickly copy and paste each value.)
    Login: YourStoreName_AtenSoftware
    (Replace YourStoreName with your actual store name)
    Password: tY7EFLNS4
    This is a random password for your convenience.
    Full Name: Aten Software LLC
    Permissions: · Login, View Merchant Home Page, Account Balance
    · View Creatives
    · View Help Center/Submit Trouble Tickets
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. Go to our Secure Login and Password page (opens in a new window) to send us the UserName and Password that you created.

Note: To remove the login, uncheck all the permissions and then click the Update button.
