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How to grant us access to your Share-a-Sale Account to Manage Listings

  1. Log in to your Share-a-Sale Merchant Account
  2. Navigate to My Account > Account Details
  3. Click the Logins icon under the Manage Features heading.
  4. In the Manage Logins window that appears, select Add New Login
  5. Fill in the form as follows:
    (Tip: Use Copy to clipboard buttons so you can quickly copy and paste each value.)
    Login: YourStoreName_AtenSoftware
    (Replace YourStoreName with your actual store name)
    Password: yhb4XAeM5
    This is a random password for your convenience.
    Full Name: Aten Software LLC
    Permissions: · Login, View Merchant Home Page, Account Balance
    · View Creatives
    · View Help Center/Submit Trouble Tickets
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. Go to our Secure Login and Password page (opens in a new window) to send us the UserName and Password that you created.

Note: To remove the login, uncheck all the permissions and then click the Update button.


ShareASale Data Feed

Updated: June 2, 2021