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Bing Product Categories - What are they and how do I set them?

In the Bing product_category field, you can use Google Product Categories directly. Bing no longer has their own product taxonomy. To configure the field, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to My Account > Manage Feed > Taxonomy Search on our site.
  2. Look up an appropriate category for your products.
  3. Go to My Account > Manage Feed > Define Fields on our site.
  4. Click Edit next to the product_category field.
  5. Enter the category into the Default Value box.
  6. Click Update to save the settings.
  7. Resubmit the feed from the Tasks > Submit a Task menu item.

Alternatively, you can add a custom field to your store catalog called "bing-product-category", and fill in the appropriate category there. You can also subscribe to our Categorization Service.


Microsoft Shopping Campaigns (Bing)

Updated: February 27, 2018