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Data Feed File Name Error

Mar 3, 2010

Google is currently having an issue where some data feeds uploaded by FTP are receiving the data feed file name error. Google is aware of the problem and is working to resolve it. You can follow the status in the Google Merchant Center Forum: Known Issue: Data feeds uploaded via FTP receiving the data feed file name error.

In the meantime, you can ignore the emailed error messages, which look something like this:

Subject: Google Merchant Center problem with data feed file: "googlebase.txt"
On March 3, 2010 5:00:00 AM CST you uploaded to Google Merchant Center via FTP a file named "googlebase.txt", but you don not have a data feed registered with this name. Please verify that you provided the correct file name, including correct capitalization.

You do not need to take any further action. Our system will upload your feed according to the submission frequency you have selected. If you have infrequent submissions and you need to update your listings, you can run a manual submission via our website once Google resolves the issue.

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