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Add Magento API User and Role for Magento Connect Extension

These instructions apply to the Magento Connect extension.

  1. Go to System > Web Services > (SOAP/XML-RPC) Roles in your Magento Admin.
  2. Click Add New Role
  3. Enter atensoftware as the Role Name
  4. Click the Role Resources tab
  5. Check the Aten Software > Get Product Export checkbox
  6. Check the Core checkbox
  7. Click the Save Role button
  8. Go to System > Web Services > (SOAP/XML-RPC) Users in your Magento Admin.
  9. Click Add New User
  10. Enter the following:
    User Name: atensoftware
    First Name: Aten
    Last Name: Software
    Email: support email address
    API Key: Make up a a password here. Here is a random one for your convenience: bjkgv5c2
    API Key Confirmation: Re-enter the password
    This account is: Active
  11. Click the User Role tab
  12. Click the radio button for the atensoftware role
  13. Click Save User
  14. Continue with Configure Feed Source Settings for Magento Connect Extension.